Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Hualien First 2 days

Firstly I have to say a big Happy Birthday Jance.  I haven’t been able to get to the internet to post this for a while, so I’m afraid it’s late. 


Here we are relaxing in Hualien.  This is like the New Zealand of Taiwan. Everyone is chilled out and the pace of life is much slower than Taipei.  The first day here we drove along the coastal for an hour to a seafood restaurant.  The road has a spectacular view, because there are steep jungle covered mountains on one side and deserted beaches on the other.  We arrived at Jimmy and Sunny’s favourite beach at about 5pm and spent a few hours relaxing there.  The beach had a natural lagoon which was sheltered from the waves.  Just outside the lagoon was a coral reef.  Never mind the scores of multi-coloured nemo fish and sea snails (and sea snakes which thank goodness I didn’t see as they are 13 times more poisonous than lands snakes), the coral itself was one of the most beautiful things I have seen.  I’ve only ever seen coral in tourist shops when it’s plain white.  We waited until evening and then Jimmy went snorkelling with his flashlight and brought back a squid, a lobster, and a couple of nice looking crayfish.  A good catch - so we barbequed it all back at our house.  Sorry for writing more stuff about food on this blog!  You need to read it near dinner time, because it will make you hungry! 


Today is Tuesday and me and Julianne have had a late start. A blissfully late start in fact.  We’re hanging out in the flat together... not sure what else will happen yet.  

1 comment:

Yazidane Shah said...

that samurai look so nice man...