Friday, September 12, 2008


So the typhoon has officially hit Taiwan.  From now until tomorrow morning there will be torrential rain and extremely high winds.  All quite exciting.  There was a huge amount of anticipation from everyone here.  The news channels are covering it 24 hours a day now.  Seeing the tv footage of past typhoons confirms that the dangers are real.  Lots of flooding and damage to buildings and cars has started to happen on the east coast of Taiwan.  Hualien is being battered and it's quite weird to look at the tv pictures and recognise all the places we were only yesterday.  

Me and Julianne are sitting tight today and staying inside.  90% of the shops have been closed and we are all under government orders to stay at home.  Now all that is left is a photo-shoot tomorrow for our record company.  I hope the plane is still able to fly on Sunday when it's scheduled to.  We could be stuck here until Tuesday though.  No one seems to know what is going to happen.  

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