Wednesday, September 3, 2008


Well since the last episode a lot has happened. 


Yesterday we had a fantastic day.  The various radio stations got cancelled which was great.  We’ve done about 11 interviews now and the chinese speaking ones can be pretty difficult.  Well mostly difficult for Josh, but I think that he enjoys it.  Me, Julianne and Josh went for a meandering bike ride next to the river.  We had to convince the guy who was renting the bikes that we would actually be back and that we wouldn’t ride on the road (that would be a death wish here).  Even after all our assurances that we would comply, he came out of his shop and watched us all the way out of sight!  Maybe a bad experience with Westerners in the past…


Today me and Niall went to have a practise with Josh Chen.  Josh Chen is a great musician and a good friend of ours.  He is going to appear with us at our concert in The Wall, Gonguan tomorrow.  His new album is released on the day of our concert.  The chord changes in the song are so jazzy that it’s like taking part in one of the sight reading tests that I gave my students at Castle. 


We had lunch with Josh after the practise in a Taiwanese style restaurant.  I had wantons and some kind of egg fried rice.  So much more authentic than in England.  It’s also nice to know that it only costs £2 and drinks are included!  No wonder the average Taiwanese person never cooks. 


We then walked to go to a meeting with our record company.  I ended up getting a bit wiped out, because we walked from one tube station stop to another one in an underground mall.  My hamstrings went numb and I got a headache so I had to sit down.  I’m not used to much exercise yet.  Anyway they’ve offered us a management contract as well as the existing distribution and promised to help us tour and play concerts when we come to live here.  It’s a serious breakthrough.  They need to know soon so the next couple of days will be chatting through the options and then seeing whether we want to.  

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