Friday, August 29, 2008

Airport Blues

Airports have the potential to be fun places with a nice environment.  They could enhance the nice feeling of going to an exciting new place.  Sadly they so often fail to do this and do the opposite.  After a wonderful week's relaxation by the beach, it's often in the airport that any last warm holiday feelings are unceremoniously removed.  For instance, take the last couple of hours.  We checked in nice and easily thanks to some good packing and traveling light.  We got through the security and decided to have lunch.  The only cafe the other side of check in was a French style one.  So Julianne bought a sandwhich for 4 times the price of the centre of Taipei.  She bit into the sandwhich and tasted raw mushy chicken and soggy bread with watery tomato skins!  So then I had an argument about changing the sandwhich - the Taiwanese waitress tried to convince me that this was French style!  The cheek!  I was eventually given a new one!  GRRRRRRRRR!  Our flight is boarding, I better go.  GRRRRRRRRR...

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