Thursday, August 21, 2008

Nantou and Village parties

 I've been enjoying the time here. It feels like we've been here a month already. It's nice to have a broader picture of Taiwan from Travelling around, there have been many contrasts as there always are... from City glamour to rural simplicity.  We have met lots of  different people in a short space of time  which has been exhausting, but it is fun if we just go with the flow.

Nantou was a highlight for me. It's such a beautiful place, mountainous,  and tropical, our hosts Yun and San San who are good friends of Evangeline, have been absolute stars! So
generous and friendly. 
It's been interesting to hear about the work they're doing with the youth in Nantou, and how the church is getting involved in the community.  I'd definately like to go back there again sometime.

We went for a short walk in the mountains. This was the view...
The best views were driving in the car, unfortunately the pictures didn't come out well, so you'll have to imagine loads of interesting shaped mountains and palm trees.

The two gigs we had here were probably the
 most energy filled ones. The youth conference crowd had glow sticks which were being waved around madly. It was great fun to have a colourful concert in the dark.

The gig in the evening was in a smaller Village, they made a huge effort with a massive stage backdrop with Transitions faces on it. The event was like a village street party, apparently Transition are the first western band ever to come to their village, so they went all out to make it a special event. It also gives you an idea of how rural it was.
It was probably my favourite gig so far despite it being outside in the heat and being eaten alive by mosquitos.  The crowd were hillarious, and so loud!  It was great fun, when the band were signing CD's at the end at the end some of the youths from the local church were fanning the boy's backs, whilst singing a funny song.  I will try to upload a video of it. So yes a fun trip.  We have a couple of days back home in Taipei now ( our flat feels like we're coming home) Then we're off to Kaochung again on Sunday for a couple of days.  It's all go!

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