Thursday, August 14, 2008

Last Few Days (Julianne)

It’s been a mad few days! 4 massive gigs in two days, between two different city’s!

On Saturday we took the high speed train for a concert in Kaohsiung. It normally takes 5 hours from Taipei, but took us 2 so that was fun, and a very comfortable journey.

The plan was to do a gig at a youth confernce at 11 am, then the guys would go back on the high speed train to Taipei for a gig at 7pm! It’s a tall order to for two gigs in one day in the same city, but it was a train journey with loads of luggage minus 3 people to help carry. (Hannah, Evangeline and me) We were worried all the travelling would be too much for Jes, so were ready to cancel gigs, or  make it the Niall and josh show if needed.

I was blown away with Jes’s energy, he obviously has a reserve somwhere when the adrenaline kicks in. He gave everything In the gig, and was still as lively as ever, no one would have believed he is as ill as he is.

We have been well looked after, with good regular meals and the best service for jes, taxi’s instead of walking, time to chill before and after concerts. The ballance of all that is really making the difference. He’s really happy to be here,

It has been mad, but ina  good way  He’s done SO well. Knowing his limits, and not overdoing things. I’m very proud.

After their gig in Taipei, the guys came back on the train again to Kaosiung, as we were doing another two gigs on Sunday.(today)

The church put us up in a  hotel which was very kind of them. They have been very hospitable. The gigs today were funny, becayuse of the context, we attended the 2 and a half hour anglican service this morning in taiwanese, so there was no hope of understanding anything. It was hard to stay awake, but the funny thingh was in the midst of this very traditional service, trandition had a 20 minute slot, they played  an accoustic set, as they were doinga  concert in the same place that evening. the songs went down very well, as did Josh’s introduction and encouragement in mandarin.think evryone was surprised, because they all errupted into applause, and then at the end of the meeting  a hoge coud of the congregation, rushed up to buy cd’s and posters and get them signed, it was funny to see some of the older people queing to get a signature, and a chance to meet the band. quite surreal.

The gig this evening was in the same church, but open too the public and the local youth. It was another huge success with everyone singign along, jumoing around from the moment they start, and tons of signed cd’s and posters,


It’s amazing to see the crowd respond so well. It’s like they have known Transition forever, and they sing along the whole way through. It’s such good fun.

It really is just like they’re in the right place doing what they love and it is  connecting with  and touching people.


Isabelle Roberts said...

Great Blog! Thanks for letting us in on the tour that way.
Hope strength and energy gather momentum again soon, Jess, so that you feel yourself again soon, even with the help on little bridges!!!
We love you,

redfaces said...

Good to read all the news here guys. If the crowds are all singing along, does that mean they learn quickly or have they heard the CD already do you think?
love from all at 106