Sunday, August 17, 2008

New Life and Shuang Lian (Sat & Sunday)

I'm just writing in our flat - it's 8 pm but feels pretty late, because it gets dark here really quickly.  The last few days have been great but pretty hectic.  Today is Sunday.  We were up early this morning to go to Shuang Lian Presbytarian Church.  We were out of our flat by 8 with a host of music equipment including a goo jen leant to me by my friend Bobo.  Hannah and Julianne helped me carrying things which I still appreciated.  

After taking the tube we had to walk or take a taxi to the church.  Vanga pointed to a building that seemed pretty close so we decided to walk (in the 35 degree heat at 9 in the morning!).  It turned out that the church was much further away than it seemed, so we arrived pretty grumpy and hot and sweaty.  Taxi I concluded is always better before a concert if we have to arrive looking happy and ready to meet people and be friendly.  

Unfortunately my mood didn't improve once at the church.  No sound check.  Disorganised.  Too loud.  So we stand onstage trying to look professional while feedbacks howl like banshees in the poor ears of the fellowship.  Mornings don't rock.  Especially Sunday mornings.  The acoustic seemed to be good.  

Anyway, I tried to look happy and give God and the people everything I had.  It's hard to try and look happy when everything in me wants to be back at the flat - hmmmm - I hope not many people read this!  Josh shared really well in Chinese and communicated who we are and what we were about as much as possible.  And people seemed to connect.  That's the most important thing.  We sold 65 cds which was a real blessing - only 100 people were there.  That's one of the best ratios ever for us and nice to know people will enjoy listening to the tunes when they get home.  It sounds better than that performance at least!  I've probably crossed the line now.  At least I "ran through the line" so to speak.  

Then we played at New Life church.  It's host to some great friends of ours who are musicians in Taiwan.  They made 60,000 hope albums in april and gave them away for free to the Taiwanese public.  Maximum respect for that.  Back to today, the concert started at 2pm.  There was a Bruce Lee lookalike breakdance crew, a few Taiwanese singer-songwriters, a pop duet and a misplaced English rock band.  We've tried to dress up a bit since meeting these guys!  At least my hair is a different colour  now...  We played 4 songs and I have to say I enjoyed it very much.  The arena was full.  Performing to thousands of people is very fun.  I'm always trying to think of ways to connect more without going too crazy.  Playing to so many people fulfils a dream of mine, but more than that we can serve God, connect and create a powerful atmosphere.  I want people to feel and meet God in a real way.  The way that is most natural to me.  No religion or obligations.  It's great to work with a host of other artists who are joined together with a similar vision.  

I think we are making a real impact here.  Lots of people have heard us on the various radio-stations.  We've been playlisted on lots of the major radio stations. We're selling hundreds of cds.  Playing to thousands of people.  I have to keep pinching myself.  It raises a lot of questions.  Probably in the same way as being healed raises as many questions as not being healed...I was given tickets to a Benny Hinn concert yesterday - sorry way too many subject changes in one paragraph.  I probably need a paragraph a sentence.  

Me and Julianne should enjoy a quieter day tomorrow.  Maybe have an early Wedding Anniversary celebration.  We're so spoilt for choice with restaurants.  So many nice ones are round the corner from us.  Ok, until next time...

1 comment:

redfaces said...

Great to hear your news again. The different church response is interesting. I wonder if some people don't know how to respond in a church building/ setting so that makes it very awkward. Like not wanting to let anything appear irreverent. (the kind of problem Jesus has with religion) But then, given the sale of CDs they really did want to respond - just trapped by the setting. I'm sure you guys just need to keep being natural and sensitive to the changing environment.. flexibility is key. Well done! 106 Crew...