Saturday, August 30, 2008


So far Singapore has been great.  I'm writing from our hotel room whilst watching the Premiership.  A nice reminder of home!  Weird that it's free here and not at home.  It underlines what a global brand the premiership is.  It also accounts for any mistakes found in this blog entry - I always seem to write when I'm annoyed or tired!  

We have been put in touch with a great church thanks to our friends in Taiwan.  Sharon and Allen have looked after us really really well.  They picked us up from the airport in 2 cars, showed us around the city at 11pm and then took us to Crispin Hill's place (Pete Hill's brother).  He's a real dude.  We stayed in his place in a nice suburby type area of Singapore.  It's near the east coast.  Me and Julianne slept outside on the veranda in a hammock-like sofa.  

I went to pastor Kong He's church today.  We attended one of the 4 services that are held over the weekend with 5,000 passionate Singaporians.  Everyone was praying in tongues for 30 minutes before the meeting which was so powerful.  Then in the worship it was like everyone just gave everything.  Sharon and Allen then took me to see their singing dog!  So funny.   

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